Getting there

The Byre at Inchyra

Glencarse, Perth PH2 7LX

Visit the venue’s website for more details.

Fly from the USA

Fly into Edinburgh or Glasgow, but we recommend Edinburgh if you’ll be joining us for welcome drinks.

Train from Edinburgh or Glasgow

Take the train to Perth from Edinburgh Waverley/Haymarket or Glasgow Queen Street Station.

Taxi from Perth

Once you’re in Perth, we recommend taking a taxi to the venue so you can enjoy your night. Free parking is on site for those with designated drivers (or a camper van).

Where to stay


There are days worth of things to do around Edinburgh or Glasgow, but we recommend you plan on spending Friday and Saturday evening in Perth. You can stay where you'd like!

The Royal George Hotel

 We have booked a block of rooms for the 28 & 29 of November at The Royal George Hotel. This is a short taxi or walk from the train station and double rooms are £99 per night night.

Email or call and quote “Schalk” to secure a room by July 28th, 2025! If you need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Things to do


Perth is located near the Cairngorms, which is part of the Highlands. We'd recommend getting out of town (there's not much to see there) and out to. The smaller towns of Dunkeld and Pitlochry are cute!


Euan has made a comprehensive map of Edinburgh that includes everything good you can do or eat.

Some of our favorites: